Benchmarking of Recently Deployed Modules: Associating Specific Bill of Materials With Field Performance Trends
DuraMAT will proactively perform early benchmarking of recent photovoltaic (PV) module technology trends, identifying recent commercial PV systems that exemplify key technology trends to create a data analysis pipeline that lays the groundwork for tracking them over their lives.
We plan to identify recently built systems with new products and compile all available metadata on the systems, focusing on identifying with a high degree of certainty the specific bill of materials (BOMs) used. Working with system owners and industrial partners, we will collect and associate valuable metadata, including accelerated testing, BOM verification and/or audit data, while finally producing a data pipeline to be used for years to come to monitor systems of interest.
Core Objective
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The data analysis pipeline produced by this work is intended to be used by researchers and system owners to track PV systems of interest, which contain modules representative of recent and forthcoming technology trends.
Available to NREL scientists and external collaborators.
J. Zuboy, M. Springer, E. Palmiotti, J. Karas, B. Smith, M. Woodhouse, and T. Barnes, “Getting Ahead of the Curve: Assessment of New Photovoltaic Module Reliability Risks Associated with Projected Technological Changes” (November 3, 2022). Available at SSRN:
M. Springer, D. C. Jordan, and T. M. Barnes, “Future‐proofing photovoltaics module reliability through a unifying predictive modeling framework,” Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, pp. 1–8, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1002/pip.3645.
To learn more about this project, contact Joe Karas.